Jamal bust: «THE TRUE ADAM»

Model: "Jamal" Company: Fer miniatures (Forged Monkey) Scale: 1/16 Sculpture: Raffaele Picca "Story behind the scene": I was looking for a bust, my first one as a painter. I did not know if I could do it well, so I decided not to spend a lot of money. Fer Miniatures own some cheap but beautiful busts on their web, so I chosed one. "Jamal" is the comercial name of this bust, representing a "bad guy". What I imagined at the begining was quite different: some years ago I read a scientific paper called: "The true Adam". DNA analysis showed that our common ancestor was in fact black. So I used that idea as an inspiring one. I decided to practice black skin tones. By surfing on the internet and taking some photos I realized that there are many kinds of black skin, that define general tones, but also lights (from white or pink, to blue or grey). I chosed the more orange-pinky kind, due to our ancestor should be a mixture be...