MV CHALLENGE 2018 "Would you be my friend?"

Model 1: Marie Fleur Company: Mr Lee's minis Scale: 28 mm Model 2: Stardrake head Company: GW Scale: 28 mm Story begins with a challenge from a painter and a team I specially admire: Roman Lappat and Massive Voodoo. This summer the MV challenge dared us to build sceneries including penguins or Marie Fleur. I chose the 2nd option apreciating so great opportunity to go beyond our confort limits. Marie is a cute and delicate mini, small but really beautiful, it transmit a lot, lovely. It arrived home just in a few days. First step was imagine the composition and characters. She is a little girl holding a flower at her back. The question is, who is this flower for? I remember to be asking my family for their own opinions like a brainstorm: to a robot, her mother, a boyfriend...were possible candidates. Finally, I remembered I was keeping a dragon head from Sigmar Stardrake, could it be a possible friend? But, what about the scene...