Eldars & Tyranids: «HOPE»

Models: "Eldar Dire avengers" & "Tyranid hormagaunt brood" Company: Games workshop Introduction: I am not specially good at painting small and thin miniatures, so Eldars looked like a quite difficult option, but also a challenge! First of all I assembled the 5 warriors, trying to find different and dynamic positions. I put them on a cork pyramid, giving them a battle aspect. I always remember the great work by Volomir: "The last stand of the Crimson fists", which inspired me a lot, or «The last light»,by Roman Lappat. I decided that Eldars would have different ranges: the captain would have a cloak and a spear, without helmet, would be leading to the others; 2nd in charge would be the banner bearer; two of them would have bigger helmets and finally, the two with the shorter ones would be just soldiers. My first choice was painting them as a unit, but later I decided adding more dramatism, maki...