YARRY: "Walking to Erebor (The Hobbit)"

Model: "Yarry, light feet" Company: Enigma miniatures Scale: 54 mm Story: I really fell in love with this mini: his posture and face make it unique and special, with a strong character. It was one of my first miniatures, so as a beginner I found it quite small and difficult at the beginning (Note that despite the scale is 54 mm, it is only 35 mm tall). As an advantage, it is only one piece!! As a first goal, I wanted to define a good and realistic base, full of wood elements. I was thinking of the "Mirkwood forest", so maybe my Hobbit would be Bilbo Baggins, looking for the correct path, followed by the dwarfs. Some wood pieces and cork are always quite useful. I also added little stones in the lower part, maybe it will be a river... I sometimes use different materials in order to get different textures: coffee, cinnamon, sand... Milliput to create some mushrooms and to finish the corners: Double primer just to see where could be t...